General Meeting Information
Date: November 22,
Time: 12 noon
Location: zoom
Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader Welcome and Review Notes from Spring 2024 Quarter Meeting I All Math Updates - Changes to Precalculus Course Sequence, MATH 1A
- Planning for the discontinuation of classes
- Planning for assessment changes for math placement by U.S. high school transcript assessment and Guided Self-Placement (GSP) assessment
- Professional Development and student messaging for these changes
I/D All Department Updates, as needed
I/D All Anything else?
I/D All A = Action
D = Discussion
I = Information -
Minutes [DRAFT]
Thomas Ray, Mallory Newell, Nazy Galoyan, Mehrdad Khosravi, Mary Alice Bonilla, Yvette Alva-Campbell, Fatemeh Yarahmadi, Melissa Aguilar, Karen Chow, Bob Singh, Lisa Ly, Casie Wheat
Math Updates - Changes to Precalculus Course Sequence, MATH 1A
- Planning for the discontinuation of classes
- MATH 31 - last offering Winter 2025; MATH 32 - last offering Summer 2025
- The Math Department has already shared this at a Counseling In-Service
- There hasn't been any college communication to students yet
- Planning for assessment changes for math placement by U.S. high school transcript
assessment and Guided Self-Placement (GSP) assessment
- AB 1705 state rulesets for U.S. high school transcript assessment can be used to determine MATH1A standalone or MATH1A+support required
- At the December 6, Math Department meeting, the faculty will determine next steps
for the use of math GSP assessment for
- MATH 1A standalone or MATH1A+support required placement
- No changes to MATH 10 standalone and MATH10+support required placement; MATH 11, 44, 46 are open entry
- Professional Development and student messaging for these changes
- Once the Math Department finalizes placement rules, Assessment can update the math placement maps for both assessment tools--placement by GSP, and placement by U.S. high school transcript
- Additional discussion points included
- Impacts on transfer/Articulation for majors that require precalculus
- Impacts of Curriculum/Scheduling for course builds, and any courses that my have precalculus
listed in the prerequisite statement
- MATH 12 - AB 1705 states that this should be an open entry course
- Impacts on ed planning for those students that may have precalculus listed in their ed plans
- Impacts on A&R's academic renewal/discontinued courses process - should include MATH 31 and MATH 32 once classes are no longer offered
- Impacts on FTES
- Dual Enrollment - Math Department could offer MATH 31, MATH 32 through CCAP at the high school site (pending instructor interest)
- Concerns about student support
- Math Department to build coreqs for more classes (MATH1A, MATH1B, etc.)
- MPS, noncredit offerings, tutoring, etc.
- Explore tutorial modules - can be enhance noncredit courses
- Additional needs
- Faculty incentives to participate in innovative support model
- College should include student voices - What are their needs?
English Updates
- AB 1111 - Common Course Numbering (CCN) impacts on EWRT 1A course name change in progress
- De Anza's English Department has been recognized as being in the top three colleges in the state for throughput rates
- Planning for the discontinuation of classes
Documents and Links
- Spring 2024 draft meeting notes
- AB1705 Resources
- CCCCO Memos on AB 1705
- CCCCO/RP Group's AB 1705 STEM Calculus Pathway report