General Meeting Information

Date: October 5, 2020
Time: 2:30 - 4:30 pm
Location: Zoom

  • Agenda

    Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader
    2:30 - 2:40 Approval of Agenda and Minutes from June 28, 2020 Special Meeting A Chow, All
    2:40 - 2:50 Public Comment on items not on agenda (Senate cannot discuss or take action) I All

    Needs and Confirmations

    Needs (Volunteer by 5:00 pm on October 2, 2020 by submitting information on form):

    • Tenure Review Committees
    • Hiring Committee for Director of College Operations
    • Hiring Committee for Interim Vice Chancellor of Human Relations
    • Equity Action Council - 2 Faculty need for membership
    • Campus Facilities Committee
    I/D/A Pape
    3:10 -3:20

    Request for Funding for "And She Could Be Next" Campus Event (2nd presentation)

    I/D/A Avila, Chow
    3:20 - 4:15

    Constitution & Bylaws Review

    Constitution Revision Proposal For Review/Comment

    By-Laws Revision Proposal For Review/Comment 


    Chow, Pape, Lee, Kaur, Tarikh, Woodbury


    Standing Committee updates (may include campus committees and shared governance groups not on this list)

    • Administrative Planning and Budget Team (APBT)
    • College Council
    • De Anza Associated Student Body (DASB)
    • Instructional Planning and Budget Team (IPBT)
    • Student Services Planning and Budget Team (SSPBT)
    • Curriculum Committee
    • Equity Action Council (EAC)
    • Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) Committee
    • College Planning
    • Campus Facilities Committee
    • Tech Committee
    • Online Advisory Group
    • Chancellor's & Senior Staff Weekly Zoom Update/Q&A Forums (open to all district/campus, not shared governance committees)
    • Consultation Council (new group assembled by Chancellor Miner)

    Representatives From Committees

    (Chow, Pape, etc)


    Good of the Order




    A = Action
    D = Discussion
    I = Information

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  • Minutes

    Approval of Agenda and Minutes from September 28, 2020 Meeting

    Voting members used Green button for Yes, Red button for No in the participants column in Zoom to approve the agenda.

    • Agenda approved.

    Links for minutes were sent out ahead, use Hand button to request for edits, Red button to object. 

    • Minutes approved.

    Public Comment on items not on agenda (Senate cannot discuss or take action)

    • Rusty: head men’s soccer coach, reported from the Kinesiology  department. Since June-July the county has lifted restrictions to allow some sports gatherings, some of the club teams have met and trained in small groups.  De Anza has been slower to react.  
    • 55% of the students in the  Athletics Department are in the underserved population that needs a lot of hands-on attention. 90% of the students have expressed the desire to be allowed to use the open fields to do physically distanced physical and technical training. The De Anza and Foothill PE departments have written and presented detailed plans and have not received much positive responses from the colleges. Other colleges like San Mateo, West Valley, Cabrillo have plans to return to campus shortly.  De Anza athletes are planning to speak during Public Comment in today’s Board Meeting. There will be an impressivenumber of student athletes attending.
    • Athletes usually meet their coaches on a regular basis in practice to train as well as getting support with problems and issues. Students are frustrated with no answers to why, when, how and if they are coming back to campus.  The coaches are concerned about losing athletes to other programs and not being able to support students. There are 20 students in Rusty’s club. Since June, the athletes have practiced and trained outside in small groups of 10 with no cross contacts. And, there have been no incidents. The department is trying to figure out how to best help the students. Perhaps this could be a subject for discussion in future Academic Senate meetings. 
    • Cheryl asked about updates on the College Council; its composition, what decisions are being made; also, if underrepresented groups, like faculty, staff, or administrators are getting seats at that table; College Council makes a lot of important decisions; will the College Council be making any change in its composition.
    • Mary S: Free walk thru flu shots, open to everyone, every Saturday through December 2, 9am to 4pm; 344 Tully Road, San Jose; one way to protect against the flu; free COVID-19 testing available across the street.
    • Betty asked about possible plans to allow students limited access to  campus services; like the parking lots for Wi-Fi, the computer labs; a lot of students need extra resources; this is an important discussion that goes along with what Rusty has shared about the athletes.
    • Scott: The mobile food pantry continues to be available at the DA campus, 1-3:30pm every 2nd & 4th Tuesday of every month.
    • Mary P urged everyone to look at the Module Syllabus on the homepage of the Academic Senate website.  Dawn is working on updates and would appreciate feedback to get the Module Syllabus ready for Academic Senate approval.
    • Karen acknowledged the importance of being made aware of the above mentioned issues and concerns. She will bring these concerns back for discussions later.

    Needs and Confirmations

    There was discussion about the voting process. One option is to use the buttons in the participants panel.  Green for Yes, Red for No, and Raised Hand for Abstain. If the vote is ever close, or if there are any doubts or questions about the vote, then it will be repeated and clarified with a roll call vote via chat. Chat will have a record of how each person voted.

    Dawn and Mary have been tracking to count only votes from members of the executive committee. Voting members were asked to rename themselves by adding VM to their names in the meeting.

    People should put “question” and “comment” in chat instead of using the raised hand button to be recognized to speak. Also, there was a request for more time for discussion before asking for a vote.

    Ishmael: Unanimous consent can be asked for in any votes. When unanimous consent is called, there should be a set amount of time before the vote is closed. Last week after a vote was called, it was cut off when the vote reached the majority. That did not allow people time to object or abstain. The purpose of a vote is to keep a record in addition to whether it passed or not. To follow proper protocol in a roll call vote, the vote should be carried through its entirety, and not just to the point of reaching majority, for pass or no pass.

    Karen agreed that it is important to allow enough time for discussion and voting; Dawn will keep track of the 30 seconds allocated for each voting time.

    Erik on unanimous consent: it saves time on businesses that are expected to be approved. The motion, second, and discussion would be as normal. 

    For unanimous consent, the chair (President) would state the motion and ask if there are any objections. If objections are raised, then use one of the other voting methods
.  Absent anyone raising an objection, the motion carries.

    Bob K moved, Cheryl seconded; on the voting method of using buttons, green for yes, red for no, hand for abstain; also with the opportunity to call for a vote in chat when the balance for approval is not clear.  20 yes, 0 no, 1 abstain.  Motion carried.

    Needs and Confirmations  (link to list on full committees)

    Tenure Review Committees

    Sheldon Fields, Counselor, Outreach and Relations with Schools
    Sal Breiter, Humanities, SSH faculty, At-large, unanimous consent, no objections, approved.

    Trisha Tran, Counselor, Career Technical Education
    Nick Mattis, PE faculty, At-large, unanimous consent, no objections, approved.

    Motion to extend this item by 5 minutes and to consider the rest of the needs and confirmation as a block; Erik moved, Mary S seconded.
    Cynthia wanted to pull out the EAC from the block.
    Mary: some of the committees require more discussions.
    Cheryl suggested extending the time to 4:05 as needed.
    Erik moved to table motion, Ishmael seconded, unanimous consent; no objections.

    Motion to extend the time for Needs and Confirmation to 4:05 as needed, Cheryl moved, Mary S seconded. 
    Ishmael objected to taking that such time for Needs and Confirmation, another 15 minutes should be sufficient. 15 yes, 1 no, 2 abstain. Motion carried.

    Dawn Lee Tu, Phase III, Director, Professional Development
    Cecilia Hui, Librarian, LIbrary Services, replaces Lena Chang (who has retired,) no objections, confirmed.

    Melissa Maturino, MPS Counselor/Coordinator
    Denica Kelly, Counselor, ISP, At-large, no objections, confirmed.

    Wil Firmender, Director of Psychological Services
    Manish Goel, CIS (BCAT) At-large, unanimous consent, no objections, confirmed.

    Jennifer Guitierrez, Mathematics Instructor
    Cynthia Kaufman, At-large, unanimous consent, no objections, confirmed

    John Jimenez, Mathematics Instructor
    Spera Georgiou, BCAT, At-large, unanimous consent, no objections, confirmed.

    Fatemeh Yarahmadi, Mathematics Instructor
    Kristin Skager, LA, At-large, unanimous consent, no objections, confirmed.

    Hiring Committee for Director of College Operations
    The first meeting to review interview questions and set the schedule for this committee is Friday, October 9, 11:30 am.  There were no volunteers prior to the meeting; discussion and ask for volunteers from the floor.

    Amy Lenoard, faculty rep; unanimous consent, no objections, confirmed.

    Clarification question on that status of student rep as voting member. The current Constitution and By-laws states the student rep as Associated Member, a non-voting member. This will be part of the Constitution and By-laws revision discussion.

    Hiring Committee for Interim Vice Chancellor of Human Relations
    Cecilia Hui, Library; unanimous consent, no objections, confirmed.

    Equity Action Council - 2 Faculty need for membership
    Current faculty member fulfilling the two-year term is Mylinh Pham, PT, HIstory

    3 faculty volunteers, vote for 2
    Cheryl Balm, FT Math, PSME
    Melinda Hughes, Faculty Director of EOPS
    Gokce Kasikci, PT, Film/TV

    Motion to table the vote until next week to allow all voting members a chance to read the candidate statements. Cheryl moved, Erik seconded; unanimous consent, no objections, confirmed.

    Request for Funding for “And She Could Be Next” Campus Event (2nd presentation)

    • The showing of an excerpt of the documentary “And She Could be Next,” about women of color who ran for elected office; campus wide event organized by LEAD; request for $200 from the Academic Senate to sponsor the event and toward the honorarium for co-director Grace Lee. 
    • “And She Could Be Next" Viewing and Discussion; Oct. 13, 10 a.m.-noon; Contact Steve Nava for detail
    • Ishmael spoke in support of the event.  He saw a preview of the film as well as an interview with Grace Lee and the Iranian co-director; 
    • Rich Boohr offered another word of support.  She made another film called “The Grace Lee Project” about a number of Korean women also called Grace Lee. This is a great person to bring to De Anza.
    • This event is part of a series called Arts and Activism, widely supported and sponsored by a consortium of many campus groups, joined most recently are the Euphart and VIDA. The Office of Communications is creating a banner for this event and the series.
    • Cynthia shared in chat about a know your ballot event, Oct 30 that is part of the series.
    • Mary S moved to approve the funding; Terrence seconded, 21 yes, no no or abstention. Motion carried.

    Karen: Although it took some time, it is good to have clarification, discussion, and consensus on how to conduct voting.

    Constitution & By-laws Review

    The Constitution and By-law Revision Task Force (Shagunb Kaur, Ishmael Tarikh, Erik Woodbury and the 3 officers, Karen, Mary, and So Kam) met several times over the summer to review and compile proposed revisions to the Constitution and By-laws. Special appreciation to the committee members for great, thoughtful, and careful input.  The documents are highlighted with suggested edits and additions for clarification.  

    Highlights color code: 
    Yellow are edits with no essential change from the original documents, also formatting changes; Turquoise are significant additions and substantial changes; Rose are amendments from the last revisions that were not incorporated into the documents.

    A reading of the proposal from the top, starting with the three paragraphs in the Preamble in the Constitution.

    Article I and II remain mostly the same. A substantial addition is Article II, section C, on the Code of Conduct.

    It is suggested that every member read all sections of the document at their leisure in case they wish to ask questions, offer comments, or make suggestions for additional revisions.

    The Senate will take time to review the documents in its entirety over several meetings In the By-laws document, there is also a turquoise Code of Conduct section that outlines a spirit of collaboration, cooperation, partnership, courtesy, and respect. 

    Karen introduced the idea of a Community Agreement-consensus of what members in the group need from each other and commit to each other in order to feel safe and supported.

    Terrence: is this code of conduct applicable to the ENTIRE Academic Senate (which I assume is the entire faculty body) or just the Executive Committee? 

    Code of Conduct applies especially for the executive committee.

    Constitution Revision Proposal For Review/Comment

    By-Laws Revision Proposal For Review/Comment

    Each senator should review the documents and be ready to discuss as a group next week.

    Standing Committee updates

    • Administrative Planning and Budget Team (APBT)
      • Shagun: Went over structure and constitution; waiting on the other piece for the bookstore.
    • College Council
      • Marisa communicated on President Holmes's behalf. They are  processing the survey input from the shared governance groups on what is working well as and what is not working. The Office of Communication will compile and put up the responses for viewing on websites. That will be followed by general discussion for the whole college. The college council continues to discuss the forming of the task force, its charge, how to handle feedback from the general campus; Karen advocated for a tri chair structure for the College Council, to make it more inclusive and more equity centered.
    • De Anza Associated Student Body (DASB)
      • First meeting last Wednesday, introduced new senators, working on a new mission statement; taking action to fight anti-blackness, reach out to black students, faculty, staff, and administration; increase diversity to gain seats in certain programs and organizations; and plan a panel discussion on fighting systemic racism.
    • Instructional Planning and Budget Team (IPBT)
      • Increased voting members to 29, 7 faculty, 7 administrators, 4 students, 5 classified professionals, 6 members from affinity groups; also a tri chair with Classified, Christina (Administration), and Mary (Faculty); 
      • They have invited SSPBT to tomorrow’s meeting, Pam Grey will be making a presentation on the budget; the meeting link will be in Canvas AS information shell.
    • Student Services Planning and Budget Team (SSPBT)
      • At the first meeting, they went over membership, review of the charge as well as the share governance survey along with the greater college discussion. Budget update with revised number of 4.9 million, the target for De Anza is 50% of the district cuts; student services would incur 40-45% of the cuts, instruction with no reduction of personnel; projected decrease of 29% revenue from International enrollment, typically $25-30 million  year; due to changes related to visa regulations and  restrictions for international students, and the environment being not as welcoming.
    • Curriculum Committee 
      • Online/Hybrid courses are needed for all courses being offered This Fall Quarter or that plan to be offered in Winter Quarter.
      • Division Reps will be communicating which courses these are needed for ASAP. Please expect the due date to be in mid-November. 
      • Any courses without these forms filed and approved by the Curriculum Committee before Winter Quarter starts cannot be offered in online or hybrid modalities. Please work with your division reps to complete these forms as soon as possible so that we can avoid a backlog in our process later in the quarter.
    • Equity Action Council (EAC)
    • Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) Committees
    • College Planning Committee 
    • Campus Facilities Committee
    • Tech Committee
    • Online Advisory Group
    • Chancellor’s & Senior Staff Weekly Zoom Update/Q&A Forums (open to all district/campus, not shared governance committees)
    • Consultation Council (new group assembled by Chancellor Miner)

    Good of the Order

    • Academic Academy this Thursday and Friday. While it is an event that was designed with our faculty in mind, it is broadly focused on what education will be like post-COVID. What have we learned that will fundamentally change instruction for the future - and will we be better prepared for the next global challenge? Please consider joining us. We have amazing keynote speakers scheduled, beginning with Jasmine Roberts calling upon us to do better ("Open Education: Do Better"), Robin DeRosa speaking directly to how we prepare ourselves for that next global challenge ("Crisis and the Commons"), and concluding with Jory Hadsell speaking to the role of distance education and statewide collaboration in meeting students' educational needs collaboration in meeting students' educational needs.





    Karen Chow


    Mary Pape

    Executive Secretary

    So Kam Lee

    Part-time Faculty Representatives

    Ishmael Tarikh

    Mary Donahue

    Academic Services & 
    Leaning Resources

    Cecilia Hui



    Bio/Health/Environmental Sciences 

    Robert Kalpin


    Anna Miller


    Business/Computer Science/
    Applied Technologies

    Rick Maynard


    Hellen Pacheco


    Counseling  and Disability Support Programs & Services

    Betty Inoue


    Kevin Glapion*


    Anita Vazifdar


    Creative Arts  


    Elizabeth Mjelde


    Equity and Engagement

    Cynthia Kaufman



    Intercultural/International Studies

    Anu Khanna


    Marc Coronado


    Language Arts 

    Shagun Kaur


    Lauren Gordon


    Physical Education 

    Louise Madrigal


    Rusty Johnson


    Physical Sciences, Math, & Engineering

    Cheryl Balm (Fall)

    Lisa Mesh (W & Sp)


    Terrence Mullens


     Social Sciences& Humanities

    Rich Booher


    Nellie Vargas


    Student Development & EOPS

    Mary Sullivan



    Curriculum Committee

    Erik Woodbury


    Professional Development*

    Dawn Lee Tu


    Administrator Liaison*

    Lorrie Ranck


    DASB Representative*

    Kimberly Lam


    Faculty Association Representative*

    Bob Stockwell


    *non-voting member





    Lorrie Ranck

    Administrative Representative

    Kimberly Lam

    DASB Representative


    Bob Stockwell

    Faculty Association

    Lloyd Holmes

    De Anza President


    Rob Miesa

    VP of Student Services

    Christina Espinosa-Pieb

    VP of Instruction


    Pam Grey

    VP of Administrative Services

     Hyon Chu Yi-Baker

    Director of College Life & Student Judicial Affairs


     Marisa Spatafore

    Associate VP of Communications & External Relations

    Scott Olsen

    Classified Senate 

     Max Meyberg

     De Anza Student Trustee

     Mallory Newell-

     Institutional Research

     Moaty Fayek

    Dean of Business/Computer Info Systems

     Renee Augenstein

    Articulation Officer

     Mary Bennett

    Tenure Review Coordinator

     Daniel Smith

    Dean of Creative Arts

     Eric Mendoza

    Dean of Physical Education and Athletics

     Alicia Cortez

    Dean of Equity and Engagement

     Randy Bryant

    Dean Isaac Escotoreer & Technical Education (CTE)

     Kathryn Maurer

    Foothill Academic Senate President

     Isaac Escoto

    FHDA District Academic Senate President

     Pam Grey

    Associate VP of College Operations

     Laureen Balducci

    Dean of Counseling, DSPS & Title IX Coordinator

     Anita Kandula

    Dean of Biological, Health, and Environmental Sciences

     Michele LeBleu-Burns

    Dean of Student Development/EOPS

     Lisa Mandy

    Director of Financial Aid

     Nazy Gayloyan

    Dean of Enrollment Services

     Edmundo Norte

    Dean of Intercultural/International Studies

     Jerry Rosenberg

    Dean of Physical Sciences, Math & Engineering

     Judy Miner

    FHDA Chancellor

     Dawn Lee Tu

    Faculty Director of Office of Professional Development

     Elvin Ramos

    Dean of Social Sciences and Humanities


     Patrick Gannon

    Director, Book Store

     David Ulate

    FHDA Research & Planning


     Mae Lee

    Curriculum Committee Vice-Chair

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