General Meeting Information

Date: October 9, 2023
Time: 2:30-4:30 PM
Location: MLC 255

This meeting will be held HyFlex, meaning anyone can participate in-person or online.  To join remotely, see the Zoom information at the bottom of this page.

  • Agenda

    Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader

    I. Call to Order


    Voting and Associate members joining us online, please turn your cameras on and add "VM" to your zoom name to help identify you to the public.
    (Please complete you report out if you haven't already))

    I All
    2:30-2:35 Approval of Agenda and Minutes from October 2, 2023 I/D/A All

    Public Comment

    I All

    II. Consent Calendar


    Approval of Consent Calendar

    • Hiring Committee Confirmations (File)
      • Child Development and Education, Instructor
      • Creative Arts, Dean
    • Tenure Committee Confirmations
    I/D Woodbury

    III. Needs and Confirmations


    District and College Needs (Attachment)

    • Campus Center Advisory Committee- (1)
    • PDL Committee- (1)
    • Curriculum Co-Chair - (1)
    • Due Process Pool for Tenure Committees
    • Budget Advisory Committee Vice Chair - (1)
    • Student Grievance and Student Conduct Hearing Board
    • J1 Training and Implementation Committee
    • EO Representatives needed for Hiring Committees
    • Classified Senate Representative - (1)
    I/D Guitron


    • Campus Facilities Committee - (file)
    • Academic Senate Part-Time Faculty Representative - (file)
    • Hiring Committee: Business, Computer Science, and Applied Technology, Dean (file)
    • Campus Center Advisory Committee: Julie Keiffer-Lewis
    • Dining Services RFP: Hyon Chu Yi-Baker
    D/A Guitron

    District Senate Structure and Process Discussions
    First meeting 10/11/23, 10am-12pm, District Offices


    IV. New & Continuing Business

    3:00-3:15 De Anza Connect
    Self-Refer Card
    Faculty Card
    Powerpoint Presentation
      Guitron, Connect Program Team
    3:15-3:35 Introduction to Senate: What we do & How we do it    
    3:35-3:40 Financial Report Fall 2023 & Proposed 23-24 Budget I/D/A Lee
    3:40-3:50 Resolution on the Implementation of
    California Assembly Bill 811
    D/A Donahue

    Goal and Priority Setting


    4:05-4:15 Student Judicial Affairs Committee members  



    Good of the Order

    Don't forget to review Report Outs!




  • Minutes

    I. Call to Order


    Erik Woodbury reminded everyone to complete their report out. This is how representatives share information from their areas. This year, instead of having a separate section of the meeting to read through the report, people will read the report on their own. People may call out specific items and updates during Public Comment and Good of the Order.

    Erik will ask for feedback on how people like this new procedure.

    Approval of Agenda and Minutes from October 2, 2023

    Mary Donahue moved, Jayanti Roy seconded to approve both minutes and agenda. No objection.Agenda and minutes approved by unanimous consent.

    Public Comment

    Mary Donahue shared a link that shows the AED locations at De Anza College. Automated External Defibrillator (AED) is used when someone’s heart stops. She would like everyone to know how to locate and use these AEDs. Some buildings on campus, like the MLC, are not near these AED locations.  Access to these devices are critical during emergencies. Therefore, she inquired about funding to purchase and place AEDs in more locations.

    Sherwin Mendoza shared two upcoming events.

    Indigenous People's Day Panel, 10/17/2023 9:30 am to 11:20 am Conference Rooms A & B - Hinson Campus Center

    Filipino American Heritage Month Celebration:

    Ka Puso Conference: Investing in Our Future

    10/18/2023 10:00 am to 3:20 pm

    Conference Rooms A & B - Hinson Campus Center

    II. Consent Calendar

    Approval of Consent Calendar
    Hiring Committee Confirmations (File)
    • Child Development and Education, Instructor
    • Creative Arts, Dean
    Tenure Committee Confirmation
    • Jamie Pelusi

    Jayanti Roy moved, Ravjeet Singh seconded to approve the consent calendar. No objections. Consent calendar approved. Unanimous consent.

    III. Needs and Confirmation

    District and College Needs (Attachment)
    • Campus Center Advisory Committee- (1)
    • PDL Committee- (1)
    • Curriculum Co-Chair - (1)
    • Budget Advisory Committee Vice Chair - (1)
    • Student Grievance and Student Conduct Hearing Board
    • J1 Training and Implementation Committee
    • EO Representatives needed for Hiring Committees
    • Classified Senate Representative - (1)

    Due Process Pool for Tenure Committees
    Alex Swanner, Anna Nguyen volunteered for this committee

    No objections to confirming and appointing volunteers to this committee. Unanimous consent.

    Campus Facilities Committee - (file)

    5 volunteers, voted to select 3

    • Andrew Stoddard
    • Dawnis Guevara
    • Emily Garbe
    Academic Senate Part-Time Faculty Representative - (file)

    2 volunteers, voted to select 1

    • Mirsaied Abolghasemi
    Hiring Committee: Business, Computer Science, and Applied Technology, Dean (file)

    There is one part-time seat for hiring committees of deans and above.

    • Kamran Eftekhari (PT)

    5 volunteers, voted to select 3

    • Dave Capitolo
    • Sukhjit Singh
    • Michelle Fritz

    Campus Center Advisory Committee

    • Julie Keiffer-Lewis

    Dining Services RFP Committee

    • Hyon Chu Yi-Baker

    No objections to confirming and appointing volunteers to the committees above. Unanimous consent.

    District Academic Senate Structure and Process Discussions

    There will be a series of planning meetings to discuss the role of the district academic senate president and how the president works with the two colleges.

    First meeting 10/11/23, 10 am-12 pm

    The next meeting will be 11/8/23, 10 am-12 pm.

    Anyone interested in attending these meetings should contact Erik Woodbury for more details and invitation.

    IV. New & Continuing Business

    De Anza Connect Program

    Angelie Lopez, program coordinator shared Powerpoint Presentation on the DeAnza Connect Program. She distributed around the room the Student Self-Refer Card and Faculty Card for the program.

    Connect is a communication platform that serves as a liaison for students and getting them connected to student services.

    Connect it is available via MyPortal. It can be accessed remotely from anywhere, via phone, laptop, computer, etc. Faculty can use Connect to provide feedback and concerns to students. They can also give kudos to motivate and praise students. It can also refer and get students connected to the services they need.

    Angelie gave a demonstration on how faculty submit a concern or referral to MyPortal. Services will contact students to identify their needs and provide support. Faculty may submit the referral using student ID or directly through the class roster.

    There is also a self referral service for students to directly reach Connect.

    Some services will need student verbal consent for referrals to those programs.

    Introduction to the Senate: What do we do? & How do we do it?

    Erik Woodbury presented the first part of an Introduction to Senate presentation that will span over several meetings. This is to onboard new members and to re-align returning members.

    The Academic Senate is a shared governance body. As defined in the California Education Code the Academic Senate participates in the formulation and development of district and college policies and procedures. The district governing board, the Board of Trustees, consults collegially with the Academic Senate.

    The Academic Senate is part of Title V, which is a set of regulations put together by the Board of Governors based on the education code. Title V, division 6 applies to California community colleges.

    Mary Donahue asked about the formation of the Board of Governors. It is appointed by the governor.

    Erik Woodbury gave an overview of  10+1 that is part of the faculty purview. They fall under curriculum, educational program development. Plus One is under academic and professional matters.

    Senate structure


    The Senate operates under the Brown Act. Last year, there were discussions on various options to meet its requirements and make a quorum (over 50% of the Senate voting members.) The meetings will be held in HyFlex in MLC255 with a publicly available zoom link. Voting members must attend either in person or online from a publicly accessible location within district boundaries to count toward quorum. 

    The remote locations must be included in the agenda published 72 hours before a meeting. Submit the location by the Thursday before a meeting. Remote voting members not listed on the agenda do not count toward quorum and cannot vote in that meeting.

    Last year, the Senate had to cancel a regular meeting when it failed to make quorum.

    Erik will continue with agendas and Roberts Rule next week. Future topics include Constitutions and By-laws, Senate structure, etc.

    All faculty are members of the Academic Senate. The executive committee consists of the officers and voting members, elected/appointed division and area representatives. The Senate meets weekly and makes decisions on behalf of all faculty. Occasionally there are campus wide votes on particular matters like electing officers, approving GE matters, curriculum changes, constitution revisions, etc.

    Senate and  FA

    The Senate focuses on academic and professional matters. The Union negotiates bargaining and contractual issues like working conditions.

    Financial Report Fall 2023
    & Proposed 23-24 Budget Final

    The final proposed budget for 2023-2024 includes the 8/31/23 account balance and the 23-24 estimated income. 

    The proposed expenditure for 23-24 is around $14,000. The estimated income is around $7,000. The $7,000 difference can be offset by the amount accrued between 9/22 and 8/23.

    The income is from voluntary dues drawn from faculty payroll deductions. The amount has decreased during the pandemic as membership decreased with retirements or other reasons. And, there has been no effort to recruit new due paying members during this time.

    There were discussions and ideas on how to get more support through membership drives and outreach. The suggestion was to start with the people in the room, also through the department chairs and the new employee orientation, to communicate the good and important work being done at the Senate to support faculty and the campus. 

    People liked the idea to put a “join” button on the Academic Senate home page. There were also ideas to have Senate sponsored social events and activities.

    Erik Woodbury proposed adding to the budget, $400-$600, for a Senate sponsored lunch before the Monday meeting for the Executive Committee. This will provide a time for the members to talk and get to know each other.

    Jayanti Roy moved, Ravjeet Singh seconded to approve the amended budget. No objections. Budget approved.

    Resolution on the Implementation of California Assembly Bill 811
      (2nd reading)

    Mary Donahue moved to pass resolution with acclamation, Christopher DiLeonardo seconded. All ayes.

    Resolution passed unanimously.

    Goal and Priority Setting


    Erik Woodbury moved to table discussion. No objection.

    Student Judicial Affairs Committee

    Michele LeBleu-Burns and Hyon Chu Yi-Baker shared about the work and needs of the Student Judicial Affairs Hearing Boards. They worked with faculty to address concerns regarding students from academic integrity, to mental health, and student behaviors.

    More students are returning to campus. Students are more anxious and dealing with more challenges. The frustration is impacting their classwork and behavior. 

    The Hearing Board handles grievances that students may file over various disputes, both academic and personal. They also work with faculty to address concerns over student behavior and code of conduct that may have a negative impact on the educational process. 

    Minor offenses may receive a warning. Something more severe and repetitive may involve due process and discipline hearing.

    The Hearing Board hears the allegations against the student, listens to the student side from an impartial perspective. Then, it makes a determination on the violation and the appropriate sanction. 

    One policy that came out during the pandemic involves requiring students to turn on their screen during class or test. There are different reasons for a student not to turn on their camera.

    The Hearing Board is chaired by an administrator with 1 to 2 faculty members.

    There are concerns about  academic integrity violations especially involving AI. There is no collegewide policy on its use for class work and tests. Faculty should be explicit about academic integrity and code of conduct in their syllabus. The policy is part of faculty purview under 10+1.

    They would like more people to serve on the grievance board. The benefits include PGA credit. The involvement will lead to more knowledge and more appreciation of the process. Faculty can apply this knowledge to their work as instructors

    Time commitment

    Usually 1-2 cases per quarter. The hearing is usually one hour. Allocate time to review the case. Participants will need training before they may serve.

    Good of the Order

    Erik Woodbury reminded members to review Report Outs!


    Mary Pape motioned, Mary Donahue seconded, to adjourn, no objection.


    In person

    Erik Woodbury, Patty Guitron, So Kam Lee

    Christopher DiLeonardo, Mary Donahue, Sheldon Fields, Kevin Glapion, Lauren Gordon, Dawnis Guevara, Elsa Jimenez-Samayoa, Sherwin Mendoza, Anna Nguyen, Mary Pape, *Thomas Ray, Jayanti Roy, Lakshmikanta "LK" Sengupta, Ravjeet Singh, Alex Swanner, Jyothsna Viswanadha, Glynn Wallis


    Mark Landefeld


    Deborah Armstrong*, Shagun Kaur, Liliana Rivera, Christian Rodriguez, Rachel Silveria, James Tallent, Felisa Vilaubi

    *Non-voting members

Zoom Information

Meeting URL: 

Meeting ID: 813 8077 7794
Passcode: 691152

Member   Remote Location   In District?  
Mary Donahue (PT) MLC 243, 21250 Stevens Creek Blvd, Cupertino, CA 95014 Yes
Mark Landefeld (PE & Athletics)   PE 51a, 21250 Stevens Creek Blvd, Cupertino, CA 95014 Yes

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