General Meeting Information

Date: April 28, 2020
Time: 2:00
Location: Online

  • Agenda

    Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader
    2:00-2:05 Approval of Agenda I/D All
    2:05-2:30 Questions for President Search
    The chancellor’s office is soliciting questions for the candidates from constituency groups to be asked at a recorded “forum” with each candidate during the week of May 11. They are asking us to brainstorm 6 possible questions we would like asked.
    I/D/A King
    2:30-2:40 Student Survey Results I/D Newell & Sabawi

    Library Services Project

    I/D Kirkpatrick

    Elections Committee and Nominations

    I/D King
    3:00-3:25 Q&A with Christina Espinosa Pieb


    3:25-3:30 Good of the order and adjourn   All

    A = Action
    D = Discussion
    I = Information

  • Minutes


    Members Present: Heidi King (president elect), Victoria Kahler (secretary), Scott Olsen (treasurer), Alex Harrell (communications officer), Laura Hiler (sec. 1), Dana Kennedy (sec. 4), Lorna Maynard (sec. 6), Sofia Abad (sec. 7), Keri Kirkpatrick (sec. 11), Dennis Shannakian (sec. 12), Ola Sabawi (sec. 13), Winnie Tse (DASB student rep.)

    Guest(s): Marilyn Booye (IPBT), Tracy Chung-Tabangcura (Elections and Professional Development Comm.), Mary Donahue (classified professional), Christina Espinosa-Pieb (Interim DA President), Adriana Garcia (Professional Development Comm.), Mallory Newell (Institutional Research)

    Meeting Items

    Approval of Agenda

    Harrell moved, Kirkpatrick seconded to approve the 4/28 meeting agenda with a correction to a date typo.

    Questions for President Search

    The chancellor’s office is soliciting questions for the candidates from constituency groups to be asked at a recorded “forum” with each candidate during the week of May 11. They are asking us to brainstorm 6 possible questions we would like asked.

    King led a discussion which resulted in nine possible questions. Below are the top six voted on by all classified professionals who took the opportunity via a follow-up survey after this meeting, listed in order of votes, with most votes/most important at the top:

    1. Given the rapidly changing landscape of higher education, and the potential impact of future global crises, what are some ideas that you have about how De Anza would need to change to stay relevant.
    2. As the President of an equity-focused institution that values the participation of all its constituents, please share your vision of how shared governance at De Anza College can flourish. What measures do you believe are essential to ensuring that decision-making processes are inclusive, transparent, collaborative, and engaging for all members of the campus community?
    3. How did you support classified professionals and shared governance bodies in your previous position(s)?
    4. Right now, we are all working from home. Have you given any thought to how you would lead our campus back to a traditional academic year, particularly Classified Professionals?
    5. What is your framework that guides your working relationship with classified professionals?
    6. Do you have experience working at a college with declining enrollment? What ideas do you have for increasing enrollment?

    Student Survey Results

    Newell and Sabawi presented the data gathered from the COVID-19 Spring 2020 survey that was sent to 15,691 students, of which 3,185 responded. They noted that about ¾ of respondents prefer email communication and almost ½ would like email and text. Other highlights: about 2/3 understand they can order textbooks and other course materials online from the bookstore.

    Olsen pointed out that 41% of respondents experienced unemployment as a result of COVID-19, and the percentage of resources that students are aware of is high.

    Booye expressed appreciation that the Office of Institutional Research is working with EOPS to connect students to the program.

    Byars asked about the under-sampling of students who are without access to internet. Harrell said that most students have email addresses on file and there is a low rate of “bounce-backs” from “dead” emails.

    Sabawi shared some information from the survey of faculty, which had 217 respondents. The survey showed that most have access to internet and their tech needs, with 100% aware of the availability of Canvas training and 96% aware of Zoom training, while some were unaware of the library resources they and students have access to. Sabawi said that many surveyed gave kudos to the Online Education department.

    Library Services Project

    Kirkpatrick spoke about the Library Services Platform which is used for cataloguing, record keeping, circulation, acquisitions, etc. The state organized a single platform to save funds on contracts and to share resources. 110 California community colleges including De Anza and Foothill took a year to migrate to the system. The understanding was that the platform was funded for 5 years for migration and maintenance. However, this is not articulated in the state budget. Therefore, Classified Senate as stakeholders are asked to support the statement for the Library Services Project. King agreed to sign, with various members of Classified Senate (including Hiler, Olsen, Maynard, Byars, Shannakian, Abad, Harrell, and Kahler) voicing support as well.

    Elections Committee and Nominations

    Chung-Tabangcura, Maynard, and Kirkpatrick have volunteered to serve on the committee (Update: as a nominee, Kirkpatrick is unable to serve this year).

    Olsen pointed out that Central Services is looking into forgoing elections if positions are uncontested—therefore, appointing rather than electing this year. Kirkpatrick said the initial nomination forms would still need to be sent out to make sure that candidates are running unopposed.

    Q&A with Christina Espinosa Pieb 

    King opened the dialogue with the Interim College President by recapping a discussion in the 4/27 Academic Senate about an equitable plan for returning to work on campus. Espinosa Pieb said that discussions for classified professionals will begin with their managers, and Senate leadership can help resolve issues/conflicting ideas.

    King also noted that for many a decision about returning to campus in summer would be helpful in terms of preparation.

    Booye pointed out that many materials are still kept on campus. Espinosa Pieb explained there are security and sanitation issues that have to be considered. Shannakian said that for some offices the need to be on campus is minimal; for example, college IDs are not available right now without campus access. Espinosa Pieb pointed out how passport renewals are processed remotely so various processes maybe can be adapted.

    In an informal poll of those in attendance, the majority was comfortable with continuing to work from home. Espinosa Pieb said she leaned toward that but with distancing measures for some, for instance prioritizing those offices that may need to be on campus like Nursing or Design and Manufacturing Technologies. 

    Good of the Order

    King said May 15 will still have online workshops offered for Professional Development Day. All of the scheduled workshop presenter have been contacted except for those who led guided walks, though a “website walk” may be offered instead.

     Garcia announced that a Student Employment Unit Requirement Resolution has been proposed to change student employment criteria from 12 units to 6-8 units. However, state ed code may not allow this. She said that “FACCC and SSCCC are possible bodies of shared governance that can carry this torch but not the district Board of Trustees.”

    Garcia also asked for nominations for the annual Equity Champion Awards.

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