General Meeting Information

Date: May 26, 2020
Time: 2:00
Location: Online

  • Agenda

    Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader
    2:00-2:10 Welcome and Check In I/D All
    2:10-2:20 Approval of Minutes & Agenda I/D/A All
    2:20-2:30 Elections Update I/D Chung-Tabangcura

    Q&A with Christina

    I/D Pieb

    Standing updates



    Annual Governance Assessment Survey



    Good of the Order and Adjourn



    A = Action
    D = Discussion
    I = Information

  • Minutes [DRAFT]

    De Anza College Classified Senate Meeting Notes

    May 12, 2020, 2:00-3:30 pm via Zoom

    Members Present: Heidi King (president elect), Victoria Kahler (secretary), Scott Olsen (treasurer), Alex Harrell (communications officer), Laura Hiler (sec. 1), Dana Kennedy (sec. 4), Lorna Maynard (sec. 6), Sofia Abad (sec. 7), Keri Kirkpatrick (sec. 11), Ola Sabawi (sec. 13), Winnie Tse (DASB student rep.)

    Guests: Adriana Garcia (Professional Development Committee), Tracy Chung-Tabangcura (Elections, PD, and Student Voices in Shared Governance Committees)

    Welcome & Check In: What is working for you (or not?)

    Everyone present chimed in, with some saying they are okay, glad to be able to do their work at home. Some have experienced some frustrating experiences with Zoom and are getting used to different platforms too and finding workarounds to sign forms, etc. Many enjoy the “commute.” Most are very busy. Everyone misses workplace collegiality, the people, especially students. Some are spending more time with pets (chickens) and trying to home school children.

    Approval of Agenda and Minutes

    Olsen moved, Harrell seconded to approve the 4/28 meeting minutes with a correction to a date typo. Approved by consensus.

    Maynard moved, Kennedy seconded to approve the 5/12 agenda with a note about rescheduling Kolar’s presentation on Minimum Wage Board Policy to a future meeting and a correction to a spelling typo. Approved by consensus (with the use of the “thumbs up” reaction).


    King said CS elections this year need to be postponed—by about a week—due to our situation with COVID-19. In addition, Chung-Tabangcura has pointed out that the election cycles for various positions in regard to those voted in and appointed is difficult to manage. The current cycles are in place so that not all positions become vacant at the same time, which helps with continuity. She proposes that appointments complete the term of the position they fill so that election for that position does not change. She called “cycle A positions” even years, and “cycle B” odd years. Chung-Tabangcura and Maynard spoke about senators who miss three consecutive meetings, according to CS bylaws, their seats technically need to be reappointed. King asked the Elections Committee to reach out and see if those individuals have actually vacated their seats. Chung-Tabangcura is working on determining which seats are open for election. Therefore, voting will shift to the beginning of June.

    Professional Development Day

    King spoke about B Budget, which does not roll over into the next fiscal/academic year. She proposed a discussion on what our funds can be used for this year as we will not hold an on-campus Professional Development Day. Olsen will research if funds could be used for laptops. Chung-Tabangcura recalled that books for professional development have been purchased in the past. King wondered if the funds could possibly roll over this year. Olsen will contact Teri Gerard with questions.

    A virtual version of Professional Development Day will be Friday, May 15, 2020. Email invitations have been sent out so that classified professionals can choose Zoom sessions in Canvas.

    Classified professionals will also share kudos to give shout outs to colleagues.

    Standing Updates

    King attended the recent Board Meeting. The student representatives of Foothill ASB and DASB gave very professional budget presentations.

    King also attended Chancellor’s Advisory Council, which included a candid conversation about plans for fall. Essential classes that need to be on-campus, like nursing, will. The point was made that missing campus is not the best reason to return.

    Maynard attended IPBT. They are assessing resource allocations as state budget decreases. In upcoming meetings, deans will share their ideas.

    Chung-Tabangcura went to Student Voices committee meeting. With Kolar transferring, they’ve invited the new student trustee to join. One goal is greater student voice, for instance, in how the Flint Center will be replaced.

    Tse said DASB is supporting the meta-majors project of Guided Pathways and also working on increasing student involvement in DASB by amending their bylaws.

    Harrell said Tech Committee has postponed their tech survey to Fall 2020 and the tech plan to Winter 2021.

    Good of the Order

    Olsen shared the CS US Bank account spreadsheet. He will look into the FOAP status report. He has been postponing a dues drive due to our current situation.

    Chung-Tabangcura pointed out that the EOM event for spring was cancelled. Also, the EOM committee is always seeking nominations. King would like to allot time at the annual leadership retreat to brainstorm ways to recognize classified professionals.

    Garcia asked for nomination for the annual Equity Champion award.

    King ended with a challenge to think about hosting summer virtual get-togethers. Summer might be an opportunity for some self-care and connecting with colleagues.

    Adjourned at 3:17 pm

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