Meeting Notes
June 12, 2014
Admin #109, 3:00 - 5:00 pm
Attending: M. Bdzil, M. Fayek, R. Hansen, D. Jones-Dulin, K. Juarez, A. Khanna, J. Malakiman, L. Markus, B. Murphy, V. Neal, M. Newell, E. Norte, B. Pacho, J. Reza, K. Seyvani, D. Shanniakian
Campus Budget Team Members: P. Davis, R. Mieso, B. Watson
Murphy updated the council on a prank call received this morning. A college-wide response was sent out when it was determined to be unsubstantiated by the Sheriff’s Office.
Approval of April 24, 2014 Minutes
The minutes of April 24, 2014 were approved by consensus.
Multi-year Budget Projection Presentation
Kevin McElroy, Hector Quinonez and Joni Hayes (new budget director) provided a mult-year budget presentation for 13-14 adopted budget through 15-16 projections for long-range planning purposes. He provided detailed information on budget components that affect ending balances.
Budget factors impacting the 2013-2014 projections include less revenues due to declining FTES, 2% COLA adjustments offset by CalPERS benefits savings, refinancing debt, use of carry-forward funds and changes to structural deficit calculations. Typically, when the economy improves, enrollment declines which is not limited to our district but throughout the Bay Area.
In reviewing projections for the next several years, there appear to be revenue and expense imbalances, and increasing structural deficits, resulting in reduced stability funds. It was suggested using 2014-2015 as a planning year. Going forward we will need to develop plans to adjust expenses to revenues.
Murphy’s end of year message will include a brief budget overview and in the Fall the college’s Opening Day in the Fall will include a budget segment.
Office Policy
Jones-Dulin distributed the Office Policy which has been through the Campus Facilities group. She requested review by College Council and welcomed comments and suggestions. The policy is intended for new faculty and the policy will be included on the website.
Summary of recommendations:
I. C. Part-time faculty. "Workstation" was changed to "work area/workstation.”
III. Title change to include "Baldwin Winery" workstations.
IV. Under the list of things faculty and staff are encouraged to do, an asterisk for artwork has been added. Multicultural art is available through Diana Argabrite at x5464.
A question arose with regard to single stream recycling through Recology. 90% of our waste is recycleable, while 97% is composted. The Environmental Sciences Division provides Recology tours to interested students.
Mission Statement
Newell presented the final draft of the college mission statement review as approved by the Mission Statement Taskforce, Academic Senate, Classified Senate, and Equity Action Council. Members voted and approved the changes to the mission statement.
Murphy commented on the Mission Statement Task Force process. This a good example of work from multiple committees that resulted in an enormous amount of healthy conversation. This was an incredible documented process on the review of our Mission Statement. Kudos and appreciation to Newell for persevering during the process despite difficult conversations.
2014 Student Success Scorecard Results
Newell shared the results of the 2014 Student Success Scorecard which showed upward trends in completion for Math, English, ESL and CTE programs as well as upward trends in overall completion, persistence and 30 unit completion. The group discussed differences in completion rates for targeted and non-targeted groups and initiatives in place to help increase the completion rates of targeted populations. This information will be presented to the Board in August.
Quick News, Updates
- Final draft of the 3SP is being presented to IPBT, SSPBT and 6/26 College Council with final delivery to the State on October 17.
- Graduation Reminders: speaker Dr. William Adams
- Seyvani introduced Julia Malakiman and Kevin Suarez, the new DASB President and EVP
- Classified Senate officers for 14-15, President Dennis Shannakian, President-Elect Lorna Maynard, Karen Hunter, Treasurer, and Keri Kirkpatrick, Secretary