General Meeting Information
Date: February 24,
Time: 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Location: Student Council Chambers and Zoom
Zoom Information
- Meeting ID: 890 2494 6088
- Passcode: 016087
- URL:
- Link: Click Here for the Zoom Meeting
Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader 4:00 PM Call to Order
A - Aditya Sharma
4:00 PM Roll Call
I/D/A - Maliah Kenoly
4:05 PM Public Comments
I - All
4:10 PM Advisor Announcements
I - Advisors
4:15 PM Business Item #1
Budget Analysis
This item is to go over the budget and suggest new ways to conduct budget deliberations for the future senate.
Time: 30 minutes
- Van Loc Nguyen
4:45 PM Business Item #2
VIDA Special Allocations Request
This item is to go over the special allocations request for VIDA.
Time: 15 minutes
- Aditya Sharma
- VIDA Representatives
4:50 PM Public Comments
- All
4:55 PM Advisor Announcements
- Advisors
5:00 PM Introduction of Prospective Interns
- Prospective Interns
5:05 PM Adjournment
- Aditya Sharma
A = Action
D = Discussion
I = Information -
Call to Order
- Aditya Sharma called the meeting to order at 4:03 PM.
Position Name Present Late Absent Online Excused Left Early Chair of Finance Aditya Sharma X DASG President Luca Paliska X DASG Budget Analyst Kyle Krawez X DASG Budget Analyst Van Loc Nguyen X DASG Budget Analyst Yan Ming Teng X Intern Chris Gee x Intern Isabelle Yap x Intern Vincent Shao x Intern Nghi Nguyen x Intern Alona Agmon x Intern Leo Huang x Intern Toma Yuen x Intern Allen Tran x Intern Iker Amox Jimenez x Intern Thin Thida Soe x Intern Alan Ma x Intern Senia Khetrapal x Intern Channureas Tan x Intern Ethan Nguyen x Intern Chan Mya Mya x Intern Ruby Chen x Intern Madhav Shukla x Ryan Yi x Audrey Tai x Arthur Poon x Nikunj More x Jacob Kao x Public Comments
- Aditya: Make sure to check the Finance chat; elections have started and we currently have 4 candidates in the room today.
Advisor Announcements
- Dennis: Keep working on the budget deliberations.
Business Item 1
Budget Analysis
- Link to presented item: Link to the document
- Luca suggested to add notes for the future finance commitee as well as notes for each program.
- Dennis is in communication about interview notes for the 2026-2027 year as well as for programs and funding requests.
- Suggestions were made about how to improve the accessibility of the General Budget information for budget deliberations moving forward.
- Suggestion to improve knowledge about all programs prior to the budget deliberations was discussed.
- Luca moved to extend the business item by 10 minutes, Yan Ming seconded the motion; motion passed.
Business Item 2
- Yan Ming moved to table business item for the next meeting.
- Kyle seconded the motion, no objections.
Advisor Announcements
- None
Public Comments
- No public comments.
Nshuti Hirwa, Bruce (#1)
- Aditya adjourned the meeting at 4:55 PM.