Course Descriptions

Courses Offered By This Department

These listings are drawn from the current college catalog. Some courses may not be offered every quarter or may not be available in the foreseeable future. Contact the academic department to find out when a course will be offered.

Course Number Course Title Units
EDAC 1 Introduction to College and Accommodations 1.5
EDAC 20 Universal Design and Accessibility 4
LS 50 Student Success Strategies 4
LS 207 Introductory Writing and Grammar Skills 4
LS 209 Arithmetic Skills and Strategies 4
LS 211 Algebra Skills 4
EDAC 230 Vocational Interests and Aptitudes 1
EDAC 230R Vocational Interests and Aptitudes 2
EDAC 230S Vocational Interests and Aptitudes 3
EDAC 230T Vocational Interests and Aptitudes 4
EDAC 230U Vocational Interests and Aptitudes 5
EDAC 230V Vocational Interests and Aptitudes 6
EDAC 230W Vocational Interests and Aptitudes 7
EDAC 230X Vocational Interests and Aptitudes 8
EDAC 230Y Vocational Interests and Aptitudes 9
EDAC 230Z Vocational Interests and Aptitudes 10
EDAC 231 Workforce Skills 1
EDAC 231R Workforce Skills 2
EDAC 231S Workforce Skills 3
EDAC 231T Workforce Skills 4
EDAC 231U Workforce Skills 5
EDAC 231V Workforce Skills 6
EDAC 231W Workforce Skills 7
EDAC 231X Workforce Skills 8
EDAC 231Y Workforce Skills 9
EDAC 231Z Workforce Skills 10
EDAC 232 Workplace Culture 1
EDAC 232R Workplace Culture 2
EDAC 232S Workplace Culture 3
EDAC 232T Workplace Culture 4
EDAC 232U Workplace Culture 5
EDAC 232V Workplace Culture 6
EDAC 232W Workplace Culture 7
EDAC 232X Workplace Culture 8
EDAC 232Y Workplace Culture 9
EDAC 232Z Workplace Culture 10
EDAC 233 Professional Conduct 1
EDAC 233R Professional Conduct 2
EDAC 233S Professional Conduct 3
EDAC 233T Professional Conduct 4
EDAC 233U Professional Conduct 5
EDAC 233V Professional Conduct 6
EDAC 233W Professional Conduct 7
EDAC 233X Professional Conduct 8
EDAC 233Y Professional Conduct 9
EDAC 233Z Professional Conduct 10
EDAC 234 Civic Responsibility 1
EDAC 234R Civic Responsibility 2
EDAC 234S Civic Responsibility 3
EDAC 234T Civic Responsibility 4
EDAC 234U Civic Responsibility 5
EDAC 234V Civic Responsibility 6
EDAC 234W Civic Responsibility 7
EDAC 234X Civic Responsibility 8
EDAC 234Y Civic Responsibility 9
EDAC 234Z Civic Responsibility 10
EDAC 235 Transition to Campus 1
EDAC 235R Transition to Campus 2
EDAC 235S Transition to Campus 3
EDAC 235T Transition to Campus 4
EDAC 235U Transition to Campus 5
EDAC 235V Transition to Campus 6
EDAC 235W Transition to Campus 7
EDAC 235X Transition to Campus 8
EDAC 235Y Transition to Campus 9
EDAC 235Z Transition to Campus 10
EDAC 240 Assistive Technology Access Evaluation 0.5
EDAC 245 Assistive Technology Access (Windows) 2
EDAC 290X Assistive Technology Access Practice 0.5
EDAC 290Y Assistive Technology Access Practice 1
EDAC 300 Workplace Communication Skills 0
EDAC 304 Soft Skills 0
EDAC 307 Notetaking Technologies and Strategies 0
EDAC 312 Basic English Skills for Students with Disabilities 0
EDAC 313 Basic Math Skills for Students with Disabilities 0

PLO #1

PLO #2

EDAC/LS Class Schedule

Important Dates and Deadlines

EDAC Course Descriptions

EDAC 1: Introduction to College and Accommodations

Course Description
Repeatable as needed to meet the Academic Accommodations Plan Title 5, section 56022.

Orientation to college for the first time college student. Includes De Anza academic policies, resources, campus programs and services; transition concerns from high school to post-secondary for students requiring special classroom accommodations related to disabilities; California system of higher education; educational goals and program planning. This course satisfies the college orientation requirement for new students.

EDAC 232T: Work Place Culture

Course Description
Repeatable as needed to meet the Academic Accommodations Plan Title 5, section 56022.

Specifically designed for students with verified intellectual disabilities. It includes identification of the different aspects of workplace culture including employer expectations, professional conduct and attitudes necessary to be successful on a job. Core competency of physical/mental wellness and personal responsibility will be addressed. Individualized instruction and training used to meet the goals identified in the Student Educational Contract.

D232V: Workplace Culture

Course Description
Repeatable as needed to meet the Academic Accommodations Plan Title 5, section 56022.

Specifically designed for students with verified intellectual disabilities. It includes identification of the different aspects of workplace culture including employer expectations, professional conduct and attitudes necessary to be successful on a job. Core competency of physical/mental wellness and personal responsibility will be addressed. Individualized instruction and training used to meet the goals identified in the Student Educational Contract.

EDAC 240: Assistive Technology Access Evaluation

Course Description
Repeatable as needed to meet the Academic Accommodations Plan Title 5, section 56022.

Computer and technology access evaluation for students with physical disabilities, sensory impairments and/or learning disabilities. Appropriate access requirements will be individually determined in order to enable students to utilize computer technology.

EDAC 245: Assistive Technology Access (Windows)

Course Description
Repeatable as needed to meet the Academic Accommodations Plan Title 5, section 56022.

Development of basic skills in the use of computer access technologies to enhance the disabled student's ability to access and use computer technology in the context of word processing and other relevant applications.

EDAC 290X: Assistive Technology Access Practice

Course Description
Repeatable as needed to meet the Academic Accommodations Plan Title 5, section 56022.

Individualized development of skills in the analysis and use of assistive technology in an adapted computer laboratory.

Learning Strategies Course Descriptions

LS 50: Student Success Strategies

Course Description
Optimal learning strategies and accommodative techniques for students with special learning needs. Evaluate and apply successful learning tools in areas such as time management, goal setting, memory, processing information, test taking strategies and learning styles.

LS 207: Educational Diagnostic Center (EDC) Introductory Writing and Grammar Skills

Course Description
Basic writing and editing skills for students with specialized learning needs preparing for college level writing activities. Engage in diverse writing formats including structured paragraphs on a variety of topics using compensatory written learning strategies. Practice parts of speech, capitalization, punctuation, sentence structure, and paragraph development.

LS 211: Algebra Skills 1

Course Description
A transitional class for students with special learning needs. The course is designed to improve skills in mathematics by addressing areas of difficulty common to students with disabilities in mathematics. The course moves at a slower pace with small group instruction. This class also includes alternative learning strategies for mastering algebraic concepts.


 Office Contact

Kim Fukuyama
Administrative Assistant I

 Disability Support Services

(408) 864-8838

Registration and Student Services Bldg., RSS 141

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