ASAM at De Anza

The Asian American and Asian Studies department (ASAM) offers many classes, and a Certificate in Asian American Studies.

If you want to:

  • Explore what it means to be Asian American 
  • Advocate for Asian Americans and racial justice astutely and effectively
  • Build community with Asian Americans and beyond

Sign up for an Asian American and Asian Studies class!

If you're interested in Pacific Islander Studies and the Pacific Islander community at De Anza, check out Native American and Indigenous Studies (specifically NAIS 31) and the learning community called IMPACT AAPI.

Pop Quiz (Just for fun!) 

  1. Which comedian who majored in Asian American Studies had her own specials and performed on stage while pregnant?
  2. Which Pulitzer Prize-winning author wrote a book with his five-year-old son?
  3. Which De Anza alum was the first Chief Data Scientist of the United States? (Hint: He’s a DJ)
  4. Which MC is just as comfortable talking about ribosomes as rapping in Tagalog?

Those were too easy. Want some more?
Take Asian American and Asian Studies!

 [Answers to Pop Quiz: Ali Wong, Viet Thanh Nguyen, DJ Patil, Ruby Ibarra]

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